What is CBC?

What is CBC?

While most people are familiar with CBD and THC, the cannabis plant is a treasure trove of over 100 cannabinoids, each with unique properties. Among these is Cannabichromene (CBC), a compound that, while less known, is gaining attention for its potential benefits. This blog delves into the world of CBC, exploring its history, benefits, and how it stands apart from its more famous counterpart, CBD.

Discovered over 50 years ago, CBC is one of the oldest cannabinoids identified by scientists. It was first isolated in 1966 by Dr. Raphael Mechoulam and his team, the same researchers who discovered THC.

Despite its early discovery, CBC has been overshadowed by the more dominant cannabinoids, CBD and THC, in cannabis research.

It has also been more difficult to buy CBC online until around 2021. Everything is changing now, and this little known natural miracle, is finally getting some spotlight.

1. How is CBC Produced?

CBC, a lesser-known yet significant cannabinoid found in the cannabis plant, is extracted using sophisticated techniques similar to those used for other cannabinoids like CBD and THC. The process typically begins with the extraction of crude cannabis oil from the plant material, which contains a complex mix of cannabinoids, terpenes, and other phytochemicals.

Crude CBD Oil

Extraction Methods:

  • CO2 Extraction: This method uses supercritical carbon dioxide to separate CBC from the cannabis plant. It's highly efficient and allows for the extraction of clean, pure cannabinoids without the use of harsh solvents.
  • Ethanol Extraction: In this method, ethanol is used as a solvent to extract cannabinoids, including CBC. It’s known for its ability to preserve the terpene profile of cannabis, which is crucial for the entourage effect.

After extraction, the crude oil undergoes further refinement to isolate CBC. This involves processes like winterization, which removes fats and waxes, and distillation, which helps purify the extract. Advanced chromatography techniques are often employed to separate CBC from other cannabinoids.

Winterization process 

CBC is structurally similar to other cannabinoids but has its unique chemical makeup. It is a non-psychoactive compound, meaning it does not produce the "high" associated with THC. Chemically, CBC starts as CBGA (cannabigerolic acid), the common precursor to most cannabinoids. Specific enzymes in the cannabis plant convert CBGA into CBCA (cannabichromenic acid), which then decarboxylates into CBC under heat or UV light.

2. The Potential Benefits of CBC:

Cannabichromene, or CBC, is one of the many cannabinoids found in the cannabis plant that has been gaining interest in the scientific community for its potential therapeutic benefits. Although not as well-known as THC or CBD, CBC holds promising possibilities in various areas of health and wellness.

Potential Benefits of CBC:

  • Pain Relief: Early research suggests that CBC may contribute to the pain-relieving effects of cannabis. It appears to interact with receptors linked to pain perception.
  • Anti-Inflammatory Properties: CBC has shown potential in reducing inflammation, a key factor in many chronic diseases and conditions.
  • Antidepressant Activity: Some studies indicate that CBC might possess antidepressant properties, offering an alternative approach to mental health treatment.
  • Neuroprotective Effects: CBC is believed to promote neurogenesis, the growth of new brain cells, which could have implications for neurodegenerative diseases.
  • Anti-Cancer Potential: Preliminary studies have explored CBC’s role in inhibiting cancer cell growth, although this research is still in its infancy.

The scientific investigation into CBC is burgeoning, with researchers delving deeper into its effects and mechanisms of action. While the existing studies are promising, they are still limited, and much of the current understanding of CBC comes from early-stage research and animal studies.


More comprehensive clinical trials and human studies are needed to fully comprehend CBC's therapeutic potential and confirm its safety and efficacy.

As interest in the broader spectrum of cannabinoids grows, CBC is likely to become a significant focus of future cannabis research.

The potential benefits of CBC, coupled with its non-psychoactive nature, make it an intriguing subject for scientists and health professionals alike.

3. CBC vs. CBD: Understanding the Differences:

While CBD (Cannabidiol) and CBC (Cannabichromene) are both prominent cannabinoids found in the cannabis plant, they exhibit distinct properties and potential therapeutic benefits. Understanding their differences is crucial for those exploring cannabinoid-based wellness options.

CBD and CBC have different molecular structures, which influence how they interact with the body’s endocannabinoid system (ECS). This variation in interaction is what makes their effects and benefits unique.

Endocannabinoid System Human

Both CBD and CBC are non-psychoactive, meaning they do not produce the “high” typically associated with THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol).

CBC, like CBD, is known for its therapeutic benefits without altering the user’s state of mind.

Potential Health Benefits:

  1. CBD: Widely recognized for its anti-inflammatory, analgesic, anti-anxiety, and seizure-suppressant properties. CBD is also being studied for its potential in treating conditions like epilepsy, anxiety disorders, and chronic pain.
  2. CBC: Though less researched than CBD, CBC has shown promise in areas such as neuroprotection, pain relief, anti-inflammatory properties, and possibly promoting the growth of new brain cells (neurogenesis).

While CBD interacts indirectly with the ECS, primarily with receptors such as TRPV1 and 5-HT1A, CBC appears to have a more direct interaction with the ECS, particularly with receptors linked to pain perception.

Both CBD and CBC are generally considered legal, especially if derived from hemp. However, the legal status can vary by region and depends on the source of the cannabinoids (hemp vs. marijuana).

CBD Legal

CBD is one of the most researched cannabinoids with a wide range of studies supporting its various therapeutic uses.

CBC, on the other hand, is still in the early stages of research. While initial studies are promising, more extensive clinical trials are needed to fully understand its benefits and effects.

4. How to Use CBC (Cannabichromene) Effectively

As interest in the therapeutic potential of cannabinoids continues to grow, understanding how to use CBC (Cannabichromene) effectively is key to achieving optimal results. CBC, a lesser-known but increasingly popular cannabinoid, offers a range of potential health benefits. Here’s how to use it effectively:

  • Understanding Your Needs: Before starting with CBC, identify your specific health goals. Whether it’s for pain relief, reducing inflammation, or neuroprotective benefits, understanding your needs will help determine the right approach to using CBC.
  • Choosing the Right Product: CBC is available in various forms, such as oils, tinctures, capsules, and topicals. Choose a product that best suits your lifestyle and needs. For systemic effects, oils and capsules might be preferable. For localized issues, topicals can be more effective.
  • Starting with a Low Dose: If you’re new to CBC, start with a low dose. This allows you to gauge your body’s response and can help prevent any potential side effects. Gradually increase the dosage until you find the amount that works best for you.
  • Consistency is Key: Regular use may contribute to better results. Establish a routine that works for you and stick to it, as cannabinoids often show the most benefit when used consistently over time.
  • Monitoring and Adjusting: Keep track of your experiences and adjust your dosage or product type as needed. Everyone's reaction to cannabinoids can vary, so personalized adjustments are crucial.
  • Consult with a Healthcare Professional: Always consult with a healthcare provider, especially if you have pre-existing medical conditions or are taking other medications. Professional guidance is important in safely integrating CBC into your health regimen.
  • Staying Informed: As research on CBC is still evolving, stay informed about the latest studies and findings. This knowledge can help you make educated decisions about using CBC effectively.

Monitor Progress

Cannabichromene (CBC) is a promising cannabinoid with a unique profile of potential benefits.

As research continues to evolve, we may discover more about this lesser-known compound and its role in therapeutic applications. Whether you are a cannabinoid enthusiast or just curious about the potential of cannabis compounds, keeping an eye on CBC is sure to be rewarding.