CBD Withdrawal
Can too much of a good thing be bad? We're sure you’ve heard this question before. It is as old as time itself. Just think of what happens when you have too much coffee. Or too much to eat. Or too much to drink. Not good right?
What about CBD withdrawal?
In the eternal words of the famous Greek storyteller Aesop,
“It is possible to have too much of a good thing.”
With the rise in popularity of CBD and how easy it is to acquire CBD online, we started getting this question more and more. People, especially new users are concerned about either overdosing, or getting addicted to yet another substance.
The concern is a good thing. With the incredible rise in alcohol use disorders, and the current opioid pandemic the United States is dealing with, the question and concern are very legitimate.
The answer to the question is not a simple yes or no either. That is because there are many ways to interpret this dilemma. Two specifically come to mind.
Some people are concerned about taking too much CBD and overdosing. We all know what happens when you take too much medicine.
You can physically die, which is not what you take medicine for.
Others have concerns about becoming addicted to CBD. Which makes sense, when you consider the top three reasons people purchase CBD online for:
- CBD for stree management.
- CBD as a slumber aid.
- CBD to help with discomfort management.
The traditional medicine that helps with any of these ailments can and most of the time is very addictive.
What’s worse, the withdrawal symptoms and dangers of stopping cold turkey are scary and can be severe. In some cases, deadly.
We thought it was important to cover both topics, so you can have a better understanding before starting on your CBD wellness journey.
In recent months CBD has also been getting a lot of attention as an aide in assisting with addiction treatment and some help with easing withdrawal symptoms. Especially from alcohol and benzodiazepines. We’ll briefly cover what the studies say in those cases.
So let’s get started, shall we. The main topics of discussion for us will be:
Can you overdose on CBD?
Can CBD oil cause withdrawal?
Can CBD help with alcohol withdrawal?
CBD for benzo withdrawal.
Who’s ready to learn?
Can you overdose on CBD?
This is something we covered in more detail in our previous blog. It can be found here, for your easy reference.
The short and quick answer is no. There have been zero deaths linked directly to cannabis overdose.
As a matter of fact, in a 2017 W.H.O.report, the World Health Organization classifies cannabidiol as non-toxic, well tolerated by the human body and not exhibiting effects pointing to abuse or dependence.
Doesn’t get any clearer than that.
What’s more, according to a write up on cancer.gov:
“Because cannabinoid receptors, unlike opioid receptors, are not located in the brainstem areas controlling respiration, lethal overdoses from Cannabis and cannabinoids do not occur. However, cannabinoid receptors are present in other tissues throughout the body, not just in the central nervous system, and adverse effects include the following:
- Tachycardia.
- Hypotension.
- Conjunctival injection.
- Bronchodilation.
- Muscle relaxation.
- Decreased gastrointestinal motility.”
There was also a 2011 review which confirmed that CBD usage, even in high amounts such as 1,500mg a day is pretty well tolerated by the human body.
Keep in mind, 1,500mg a day is an extremely large dosage. Vast majority of daily users keep their dosage between 30 to 60mg a day.
Can CBD oil cause withdrawal?
Wondering if there are any CBD withdrawal symptoms?
It’s very unlikely that you will develop any CBD oil withdrawal symptoms if you stop using hemp extracted cannabidiol cold turkey, after a prolonged period of use. That is if you are using hemp derived oil, and not the marijuana version.
The marijuana derived cannabidiol extract will have a much larger THC content. THC can have withdrawal symptoms including:
- Diminished appetite
- Panic
- Irritability
- Slumber issues
- Headaches
- Sweating
- Chills
- Loss of focus
- Despair
Not something you are likely to experience when stopping CBD.
Some users have reported an increase in the symptoms they originally took the oil for.
For instance, people who suffered from angst and for whom CBD has helped can sometimes find their worries returning within days of stopping their daily CBD regiment.
While there most likely will not be many withdrawal symptoms if you stop abruptly, it’s always best to dose down for a week or two.
Especially if you have been taking high amounts, for a long period of time.
Most likely you won’t be in any danger when stopping but dosing down will help you ensure you are as comfortable as can be.
After all, there’s a reason you want to stop. This way, you can be more successful.
Can CBD help with alcohol withdrawal?
In the current state of the world, Alcohol Use Disorder is on the rise. A rapid rise.
Sales of alcohol have been skyrocketing in every market, leading some doctors to worry about safe withdrawal from this deadly substance.
Detoxing from alcohol, if not done properly can lead to severe withdrawal symptoms including death.
PLEASE SEEK MEDICAL ASSISTANCE if you think you might suffer from moderate to severe symptoms. For a list of symptoms and treatment options, check out this helpful guide from medlineplus.gov.
Discuss your options and detox plan with your doctor. This includes your desire to add CBD to your recovery plan. While CBD on its own should never be used to detox without a doctors’ approval, theoretically it can help.
Some of the alcohol withdrawal symptoms, such as panic, despair, insomnia, seizures, are exactly the reason people try CBD.
Again, while potentially beneficial, make sure to discuss all your detox plans with a qualified medical professional.
If you’d like to learn more about CBD and Alcohol Use Disorder, how it can help with recovery head on over to our detailed blog here.
CBD for benzo withdrawal.
In short, treat benzodiazepine withdrawal as seriously as alcohol withdrawal. If not done properly, both can be fatal. YOU CAN DIE FROM BENZO WITHDRAWAL SYMPTOMS.
Discuss all your options with a qualified medical professional, including your desire to use CBD for benzo withdrawal. While it can be helpful, it is extremely important the detox is done the right way.
In closing, it’s always important you do your research before you try to get off any substance that you’ve taken for a bit of time. Just to make it as comfortable experience as possible.
Remember, when looking to purchase CBD online, to look for the best and most reputable source. That’s why at The CBD Haven, we only work with quality, natural CBD brands for sale online. Our current list of partners includes:
For a full list, browse Our CBD Brands here.
We offer a wide variety of CBD products in all types of spectrums. We also offer fast, free shipping within the United States. Use code WELCOME15 at checkout to get 15% off your entire purchase. No exceptions.
So why not give CBD a try. We hope to see you soon.