CBD - 3 stigmas about CBD busted!
CBD, the magical cannabidiol from the hemp plant is raising a lot of eyebrows in the medical community. There is a lot of buzz about the benefits of incorporating CBD into your daily routine to help with issues such as anxiety management, sleep, depression, pain and acne.
There are a lot more benefits associated with it, yet the studies about the true potential of CBD and additional cannabinoids from the cannabis plant are just getting started. There’s so much we don’t know yet.
It also seems like almost everyone is incorporating CBD into their life, especially since it is now so convenient to buy cbd oil for sale online.
There’s press about athletes adding CBD to aide with recovery. Professionals and people with high stress in their lives are adding CBD to help them relax.
High stress folks are adding CBD to their daily routine to help them combat their anxiety.
There are people using CBD to help manage their pain and discomfort.
You get the point.
There’s currently only one FDA approved CBD treatment. The drug Epidolex was approved by the Food and Drug administration in June 2018 to treat two forms of epilepsy, Lennox-Gastaut syndrome and Dravet syndrome.
Recently, the FDA also approved Epidiolex to treat seizures that are associated with tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC), for patients 1 year of age or older.
That’s not stopping people from doing their own research and trying to comprehend what CBD can do for them. According to Forbes, the collective market for CBD sales in the U.S will surpass $20 billion by 2024.
You read that right, $20 billion.
Now it’s easier than ever to find CBD oil for sale online. There are new brands popping up daily, and CBD specialty websites that cater to folks looking for a wide selection of products. All you have to do is Google it.
With so many potential benefits, the fact that hemp derived CBD is legal in all 50 states, and the ease of being able to purchase CBD for sale online, you would think everyone would try it. That’s not the case.
Unfortunately, there’s still some stigma associated with CBD.
CBD is weed/marijuana
CBD will get me high
I can overdose on CBD
There’s still plenty of misinformation out there. We thought it was important to review some of the myths. This way, you can make an informed decision on your own.
What is CBD?
We covered this topic in a previous blog, and you can access it here for a more detailed explanation. In case you need a quick refresher, CBD is an extract from a cannabis plant. More specifically, the CBD sold on TheCBDHaven.com, is derived from the hemp plant only.
We do not sell marijuana extracted CBD.
There are 3 main types of CBD sold in the current market.
- Full Spectrum CBD (0.3% THC or less)
- Broad Spectrum CBD (THC Free)
- CBD Isolate (THC Free)
For a full explanation on the differences check out our blog by clicking here.
Now let’s get down to some myth busting, shall we.
CBD is weed/marijuana
Cool. But since when can you buy weed at the gas station? (For the record, DO NOT EVER BUY CBD from a gas station).
There’s a little truth to this myth, and this is potentially why the stigma still exists. So let’s break it down and discuss in more detail.
There’s this magical plant called cannabis. Really, it is an incredible plant. If you think about all the uses and benefits that cannabis has, it should be planted and cultivated everywhere.
The cannabis plant has 2 varieties, hemp and marijuana.
One of the main differences between hemp and marijuana, is the THC content. In order for a cannabis plant to be classified as marijuana, the THC content has to be 0.4% or above. CBD derived from the marijuana plant will typically have a higher THC content than CBD content.
It is possible to extract CBD from a marijuana plant, but it can only be sold from marijuana dispensaries and only where it’s legal.
The CBD that is readily available in the marketplace, coffee shops, gyms, is extracted from a hemp plant. The THC content will always be 0.3% or below. Hemp derived CBD can be purchased anywhere, as it is legal in all 50 states.
To sum it up, technically CBD can come from a marijuana plant. The CBD everyone keeps talking about and that CBD that is readily available for purchase online comes from a hemp plant.
CBD will get me high
Not even if you were a smurf.

All joking aside, let’s reasonably discuss this myth with all that we now know about hemp derived CBD.
CBD by itself is not psychoactive. When people think of getting high from marijuana it’s because of the THC content. THC will most certainly get you high.
Two of the three main types of CBD currently on the market contain ZERO THC. Non. Nil. Nada. Even the full spectrum CBD has at most 0.3% THC content. That is nowhere near the amount of THC needed for you to actually get high.
Therefore, regardless of the type of hemp derived CBD you are using, it will not get you high.
I can overdose on CBD
Just thinking of the word overdose can bring up unpleasant images. The United States is currently facing a crisis with people overdosing not only on alcohol and drugs, but on prescription medicines as well. Therefore this myth, while still false, is rather terrifying.
The fact is that there have been zero deaths attributed to the overconsumption of any form of cannabis.
The CBD drug Epidiolex, contains 100 mg of active drug per 1mL. Typical doses are 15 mL to 30 mL, and it is generally well tolerated by the human body. That is way more CBD than the average person will consume on any given day.
To go even further, in a 2011 article in Current Drug Safety, a study done on rhesus monkeys looked into CBD doses. According to marijuanabreak.com, for an average sized human weighting 165lbs…
“…it would take roughly 18,750 mg (18.75 g) of CBD consumed within a very short amount of time to result in any potentially fatal effects.”
That is an incredible amount of CBD, equaling roughly 12.5 of 1,500mg (30ml) CBD bottles at one time. A typical CBD user will not consume more than 100mg of CBD, and that’s in a full day.
So no, you will not overdose on CBD.
We hope that this blog was be able to shatter some of the more popular but damaging myths surrounding CBD.
Unfortunately, there are many more out there. We don't really know where all of them come from, but it's time to #breakthestigma.
If you have any questions about CBD, or want a free consultation, please reach out to us at: support@thecbdhaven.com and we will be happy to make a personalized recommendation. We are not doctors, but we sure know our CBD.