What is CBD? 5 FAQ's answered for CBD Beginners.
CBD is everywhere now. It’s in stores, restaurants, cafés, gyms, and you can even order CBD online.
But have you ever wondered what it is, and why it’s quickly becoming the hottest thing since plant based diets? What is CBD?
This is why we created this blog series. It is dedicated to the new hemp extract users, who want to learn everything and anything. Even if you're a casual cannabidiol fan, this blog series will try to answer all your questions.
We'll start with the basics. The questions we get asked a lot by new clients who buy CBD online. Some for the first time.
In our introductory article, we will do our best to answer briefly, the following questions:
What is CBD?
What does CBD stand for?
But what exactly is CBD?
What does CBD do?
How do I take CBD?
Is CBD right for me?
What is the strongest CBD oil you can buy?
Most of the answers will be brief and general. They will be a great introduction to purchasing CBD online. Check back often, as we will be updating our blog frequently. We'll try our best to answer all your questions.
What is CBD??
What is CBD? The three hottest letters in the alphabet right now.
Walk into a coffee shop and for $5 you can get a shot of CBD with your latte.
At the local artisan bakery, you can buy your chocolate chip cookies, baked with CBD oil.
Your local gym sells topical creams with CBD for the athlete in you. Same thing in Whole Foods.
Your pets can get in on the action as well with specially formulated CBD Tinctures for pets.
Celebrities are jumping on the bandwagon as well, many starting their own line of CBD products, or endorsing an existing company.
Jump online, and you literally have thousands of brands to choose from.
And not just brands, but also varieties. The three main varieties of CBD online are:
There are now some minor cannabinoids such as CBC, CBG, and CBN and we'll get into those in a separate blog.
What does CBD stand for?
What does CBD stand for? According to Wikipedia, CBD stands for Cannabidiol, and it’s one of 113 known molecules that is synthesized by the cannabis plant.
But what exactly is CBD?
It is non-psychoactive, unlike it’s better known phytocannabinoid cousin THC. Which means it won’t get you high. That is if the CBD is extracted from hemp.
According to the 2018 Farm Bill, in order to be legal, hemp extracted CBD cannot contain more than 0.3% THC by dry weight.
It’s very important to note that CBD which is extracted from marijuana, is still illegal and remains a Schedule I Controlled Substance.
What does CBD do?
CBD acts on the cannabinoid receptors that are a part of your endocannabinoid system (ECS). That is the system tasked with promoting homeostasis in your body.
Scientists are still uncertain as to the full function of the ECS, however thus far they realize it has a function in regulating sleep, mood, appetite, chronic pain, learning and memory, stress, and muscle formation to name a few.
How do I take CBD?
There are multiple options in the marketplace. The most popular being CBD Oils & Tinctures that are applied either sublingually or dropped into your coffee or cookie dough/salad dressing/sauce (whatever).
You can vape CBD, using the proper e-juice or vape pen. You can rub yourself silly with different topical options.
There are gummies and softgels.
There are bath bombs.
There are sprays.
You can even get specially formulated oils and tinctures for your furry family members.
The options are almost limitless.
Is CBD right for me?
That is a personal question and one that will take some time and research on your part. You can do your own research on the benefits of CBD and what uses it might have in your life. Make sure you check out all of our blog posts, to get most of your questions answered.
It can easily be found here.
Please keep in mind no definitive and significant research has been done to prove its’ effectiveness. Many of these studies are now underway, but it will take time.
It’s also important to note that there are a lot of brands out there, and not everyone is looking out for your best interest. If you buy a $10 bottle of CBD oil at a gas station, chances are you’re not getting high quality CBD.
There’s a strong probability that you will get more filler chemicals that might actually harm you rather than help you. Keep in mind CBD products are still not regulated by the FDA.
We recommend you go with a higher quality brand that has easily available Third Party Certificates of Analysis. This way you can easily see exactly what is in the product you will be putting in your body.
It’s also very important to decide on the right type of CBD variety. As mentioned earlier the three main and widely available to buy CBD online are:
We discuss the differences in our CBD Oil Spectrums blog, for now keep in mind the following. What is full spectrum CBD? Full Spectrum CBD contains <0.3% THC. Broad Spectrum and CBD Isolate are THC Free.
If you’re worried about passing a drug test at work, or you have THC induced panic, you might only want to consider the THC Free options.
Finally, you need to decide how you want to get your CBD on. You can buy CBD:
Just to name a few options.
Finally, we have an Extra Credit Question!!!
What is the strongest CBD oil you can buy?
Now that you have a pretty good idea of what is CBD, and are looking to order CBD online, are you also wondering what is the strongest CBD oil you can buy? At The CBD Haven, we carry a wide selection of cannabidiol oils, in all spectrums and strengths. The strongest being the CBDistillery Full Spectrum CBD Oil 5,000mg. This thing packs a punch, with a 167mg of CBD per 1oz serving.
Whatever option you choose, make sure taking it becomes a habit to get the most benefits. All products have the manufacturers “Recommended Use” on the labels, so be sure to follow their suggestions.
We hope you enjoyed our first blog!!
We plan to update our blog fairly frequently to help answer any and all of your questions or concerns and keep you educated on CBD.
Feel free to send us a note to: support@thecbdhaven.com, with a suggestion or question on what you’d like to see in our future blog posts.