CBD Oil Spectrums | 3 Main Types and Differences Between Them
There’s no denying it. CBD is everywhere. In our previous blog we discussed what CBD is, and its uses. Now, it’s time to discuss some of the details and differences in the actual types of CBD products.
There’s still a lot of confusion around the types of CBD Spectrums out there. Specifically, what they are and what kind is the right one for each individual.
So let’s start with some basics.
Currently, there are 3 main types of CBD Spectrum products in the market:
The type of CBD you're purchasing depends on the manufacturer and/or their extraction process. There are some brands that sell strictly one spectrum CBD, such as Relive Everyday or NuLeaf Naturals.
Then there are brands that sell all types, such as CBDistillery, with each spectrum being clearly labeled on the product itself.
Typically, full spectrum and broad spectrum products will cost more money, than CBD isolate. Keep in mind you get a lot more than just CBD for your money.
What are the differences in CBD spectrums?
What is Full Spectrum CBD?
Just as the name suggests, full spectrum CBD contains the full range of phytochemicals found in the hemp plant, including THC.
Products sold online and over the counter in your local stores are CBD products extracted from a hemp plant, which is a cannabis plant with a THC content of 0.3% or less.
Therefore the full spectrum CBD (not to be confused with full spectrum cannabis oil, which can contain higher traces of THC), contains 0.3% THC or less.
Full spectrum CBD tincture also includes additional cannabinoids such as CBN, CBC, CBG, as well as terpenes and flavonoids. Combined they create the entourage effect for additional health benefits.
More on the entourage effect later.
There are still some people afraid to try CBD, thinking it will get them high. While full spectrum CBD does contain up to 0.3% THC, that is not enough for anyone to notice any psychoactive effects.
You might need to be careful if you go through rigorous drug testing at work. Even though the trace amount of THC should not be enough to show up on a drug test, there’s no guarantee.
If you were using full spectrum products regularly for a period of time, trace amounts of THC could have accumulated in your body, causing you to fail the test. Every person reacts to and processes THC differently.
Full spectrum CBD is also the least processed.
What is Broad Spectrum CBD?
Similar to full spectrum CBD, broad spectrum contains the full range of phytochemicals found in the hemp plant. The main difference is there is 0.0% THC.
This can be achieved either during the extraction process, or by combining CBD isolate with other isolated cannabinoids, terpenes and flavonoids.
With broad spectrum CBD tincture you get the full effects and benefits of the entourage effect, without the THC. The complete spectrum of cannabinoids is still present.
Broad spectrum sits right in the middle, between full spectrum CBD and CBD Isolate. For a lack of a better description, it is full spectrum CBD, with the THC removed through an extraction process.
Properly tested and labeled broad spectrum CBD gives you zero chance of getting high, or failing a drug test at work.
What is CBD Isolate?
Finally, there’s CBD Isolate. It is the most processed, but also the purest CBD Spectrum of the three. Typically isolates are 99% pure CBD. That’s it.
No additional cannabinoids, terpenes, or flavonoids.
There’s no THC, so you avoid the risk of getting high or failing a drug test.
It is typically recommended for users who take extremely large doses of CBD. Some individuals may also be sensitive to THC or other cannabinoids in either the full spectrum, or broad spectrum CBD. In those cases, CBD isolate is strongly suggested.
The only, but for some major drawback to CBD Isolate, is that you do not get all the rewards or benefits of the entourage effect. Keep in mind the entourage effect is only present in full spectrum, and broad spectrum CBD, as it needs the interaction of the additional cannabinoids.
How to choose your spectrum?
Do your research.
Our bodies are incredible machines, but they can each react differently to what you put in them. Some individuals may react poorly to THC or any of the other cannabinoids present in full or broad spectrum CBD products.
You might also fear failing a drug test at school or work.
Whatever your reasoning, it is always best to try in small doses and see how your body responds.
What is The Entourage Effect?
The everyday use of the word entourage means, a group of attendants or associates, as of a person of rank or importance.
Not really helpful here.
According to the brilliant minds at The Hemp Mag, The Entourage Effect “is the idea that hundreds of compounds in the cannabis plant work synergistically together to provide a wider range of medicinal benefits.”.
That’s a mouthful.
Simply put, CBD is the main cannabinoid, but with full and broad spectrum CBD products you get the benefits and rewards of all of the cannabinoids, working together to create a homeostatic equilibrium in your body.
Sometimes more is better.
As you can see there are many options in the CBD world. Especially when you shop for your CBD online.
The choice of which way to go will be yours. Make sure you always do your research not only on the type of CBD spectrum you want to take, but also on the manufacturers whose products you are using.